The French-Singaporean Quantum Symposia (FSQS 2024, 2025 and 2026) aims to build strategic quantum partnerships between Singapore and France. The series of three events will foster and consolidate long-standing synergies between academics, representatives of the new quantum industry and end-users of quantum technologies in France and Singapore, building on the long-standing academic collaborations between both countries. FSQS will contribute to map the respective strengths and complementarities of both ecosystems, to optimise scientific collaborations and business opportunities.
We will alternate the location of the FSQS to maximise their impact:
Singapore 2024 – France 2025 – Singapore 2026
Scientific sessions
Energy and resources for quantum technologies
- Alexia Auffèves (CNRS, CQT, MajuLab)
- Hui Khoon Ng (Yale NUS, CQT)
- Kong Jian Feng (IHPC, A*STAR)
- Kwek Leong Chuan (CQT, NTU, Majulab)
- Joseph Mickael (EDF)
- Dunlin Tan (Thales)
Computing and sensing with spins
- Franck Balestro (UGA, Institut Néel, Director of QuantEdu)
- Steven Touzard (NUS, CQT, MajuLab)
- Koh Teck Seng (SPMS, NTU)
- Benoit Vermersch (Quobly)
Neutral atoms - from many body physics to quantum computing
- David Wilkowski (CNRS, NTU, CQT, MajuLab)
- Hélène Perrin (CNRS, LPL)
- Lucas Lassabliere (Pasqal)
- Gabriel Lemarié (CNRS, CQT, MajuLab)
Photonic quantum computing - near term, fault-tolerant, unconventional, neural networks
- Weibo Gao (NTU, CQT, MajuLab)
- Shane Mansfield (Quandela)
- Tim Liew (NTU, MajuLab)
- Marc Kaplan (VeriQloud)
From algorithms to industrial use cases
- Thomas Ayral (Eviden)
- Patrick Rebentrost (NUS, CQT)
- Tommaso Demarie (Entropica Labs)
- Robert Marino (Qubit Pharmaceuticals)
- Joe Fitzsimons (Horizon Quantum Computing)
Continuous variables: Bosonic computing, metrology
- Lorcan Conlon (A*STAR)
- Nicolas Treps (SU, LKB)
- Yvonne Gao (NUS, CQT)
- Maxime Richard (CNRS, CQT, MajuLab)
- Valerio Scarani (NUS, CQT)
Quantum communication
- Eleni Diamanti (SU, CNRS, LIP6)
- Virginia D’Auria (UniCA, QuantAzur)
- Alexander Ling (NUS, CQT)
- Jesús Zúñiga Pérez (CNRS, MajuLab)
- Zhu Di (NUS, CQT, A*STAR)
Institutional sessions
Showcasing and connecting French & Singaporean quantum ecosystems
Insights into the French quantum strategy and ecosystems. Presentations from:
- Sébastien Tanzilli (CNRS, InPhyNi, UniCA, CNRS Deputy Director for Quantum Technologies)
- Franck Balestro (UGA, I. Néel, Coordinator of the QuantEdu program)
- Eleni Diamanti (CNRS, LIP6, Co-founder of Welinq, Director of Paris Centre for Quantum Technologies)
- Nicolas Treps (SU, LKB, Co-director of the Quantum Information Center Sorbonne)
- Virginia D’Auria (UniCA, InPhyNi, Director of QuantAzur)
- Hélène Perrin (CNRS, Director of the Paris Region quantum network QuanTiP)
- Neil Abroug (Inria, Head of Quantum)
Insights into the Singaporean Quantum Platforms. Presentations from:
Industrial Round Table
Perspectives for Quantum Technologies Hardware – Current Standings, Future Timeline, and Practical applications
Quandela: Xavier Pereira (CGO)
Pasqal: Lucas Lassablière (Team lead at Pasqal)
Quobly: Benoît Vermersch (Quantum Information Team Leader)
Atomiomics: Ravi Kumar (Cofounder, CTO)
SpeQtral: Chune Yang Lum (CEO)
ST Engineering: Lee Shiang Long (CTO)
Discussion Topics
- Current Standings in Quantum Computing and Quantum Communications: Delve into the latest breakthrough and milestones achieved in quantum technologies hardware
- Future Timeline:
- Short-Term Expectations: Discuss the anticipated advancements in the next 3-5 years, including the transition form experimental to practical quantum systems.
- Long-Term Projections: Look ahead to the next decade, envisioning the potential quantum computing holds and the challenges that must be overcome to reach widespread adoption.
- Practical Applications: Highlight specific examples of quantum computing applications currently being developed or implemented, showcasing their potential to solve complex problems and optimize processes.
French and Singaporean hardware startups will share with us the current state of the technology development and concrete use cases. Featured startups are: Pasqal, Quandela, SpeQtral, Quobly, Atomionics. We will also hear the perpective of a Tech investor: Vertex. This panel will be moderated by Olivier Tonneau, Partner at Quantonation, the largest investment fund in quantum technologies globally.
Event schedule
Day 1
Join us early to register for the event.
Opening remarks by Ling Keok Tong, Executive Director, NQO, and organising committee.
- 9:20 – 9:45: Joe Fitzsimons – Horizon Quantum Computing
- 9:45 – 10:10: Thomas Ayral – Eviden
- 10:10 – 10:35: Tommaso Demarie – Entropica Labs
10:35 - 11:05 : Tea break
- 11:05 – 11:30: Robert Marino – Qubit Pharmaceuticals
- 11:30 – 11:55: Dunlin Tan, Thales
11:55 - 13:30 : Lunch break
Opening remarks by Sébastien Tanzilli, Deputy Director for Quantum Technologies, CNRS
- 13:40 – 14:05: Alexia Auffèves – CNRS, MajuLab
- 14:05 – 14:30: Hui Khoon Ng – Yale NUS, CQT
- 14:30 – 14:55: Joseph Mickael – EDF
14:55 - 15:25 : Tea break
- 15:25 – 15:50: Kong Jian Feng – IHPC, A*STAR
- 15:50 – 16:15: Kwek Leong Chuan – CQT, NTU, MajuLab
16.15 - 18:00 : Exhibition and poster session
18:00 - Day 1 ends
Day 2
- 9:00 – 9:25: David Wilkowski – NTU, CQT, MajuLab
- 9:25 – 9:50: Hélène Perrin – CNRS, LPL
- 9:50 – 10:15: Lucas Lassablière – Pasqal
- 10:15 – 10:40: Gabriel Lemarié – CNRS, CQT, MajuLab
10:40 - 11:10 : Tea break
- 11:10 – 11:35 : Valerio Scarani – NUS, CQT
- 11:35 – 12:00 : Maxime Richard, CNRS, CQT, MajuLab
- 12:00 – 12:25: Lorcan Conlon – A*STAR
12:25 - 12:35 : Group Photo
12:35 - 14:10 : Lunch break
- 14:10 – 14:35: Nicolas Treps, SU, LKB
- 14:35 – 15:00: Yvonne Gao – NUS, CQT, MajuLab
- 15:00 – 16:00: French quantum ecosystems
16:00 - 16:30 : Tea break
- 16:30 – 17:30: Singaporean quantum ecosystems
- 17:30 – 18:30: Led by Quantonation
19:30 - 22:00 : Symposium Dinner
22:00 - Day 2 ends
Day 3
- 9:00 – 9:25: Franck Balestro – UGA, Institut Néel, Director of QuantEdu
- 9:25 – 9:50: Steven Touzard – NUS, CQT, MajuLab
- 9:50 – 10:15: Koh Teck Seng – SPMS, NTU
- 10:15 – 10:40: Benoit Vermersch – Quobly
10:40 - 11:10 : Tea break
- 11:10 – 11:35 : Weibo Gao – NTU, CQT, MajuLab
- 11:35 – 12:00: Shane Mansfield – Quandela
- 12:00 – 12:25: Marc Kaplan – VeriQloud
- 12:25 – 12:50: Arnaud Caudoux – BPI
12:50 - 14:00 : Lunch break
- 14:00 – 14:25: Zhu Di – NUS, CQT, A*STAR
- 14:25 – 14:50: Virginia D’Auria – UniCA, QuantAzur
- 14: 50 – 15:15: Alex Ling – NUS, CQT
- 15:15 – 15:40: Jesus Zuniga Perez – CNRS, MajuLab
15:40 - 16:10 : Tea break
- 16:10 – 16:50: Eleni Diamanti – SU, CNRS, LIP6
- 16:50 – 17:05: Closing Remarks and Summary
17:05 - Day 3 ends
Local organising committee
- Alexia Auffèves (CNRS, CQT, MajuLab)
- Steven Touzard (NUS, CQT, Majulab)
- Tan Shao Tao (CQT, NUS)
- Arthur Strauss (CQT, NUS)
- Marie Cluzel (CNRS Regional office)
Strategic committee FSQS 2024
- Alexia Auffèves (CNRS, CQT, MajuLab)
- Dominique Baillargeat (CNRS, CNRS@CREATE, CNRS Regional Office)
- Saïda Guellati-Khélifa (CNRS, LKB, SU)
- Johnson Goh (Quantum Engineering Programme, A*STAR)
- Alexander Ling (NUS, CQT)
- Sébastien Tanzilli (CNRS, INPHYNI, UniCA)
- Desmond Toa (National Quantum Office, A*STAR)
- Olivier Tonneau (Quantonation)
Copthorne King's Hotel Singapore
403 Havelock Road, 169632 Singapore
If you have questions about this event, please write to alexia.auffeves@cnrs.fr